Remove Obstacles From Your Path!
Remove Obstacles From Your Path!
Remove Obstacles From Your Path!
It was ancient times! A king placed a large stone on a path. As soon as this happened, he hid somewhere and began to watch for anyone to remove the stone from the road.
Many people were passing by from the sight. Others blame each other for not keeping the king clean. But, none of them had to get this stone idea out of the way. The king looks at it so much and is amazed.
And it’s amazing! Finally, a farmer came to him with a burden. As he approached, he laid down his burden and began to push the boulder out of the way. It pushes instead; he pushed and pushed, and after much effort he succeeded. As soon as he picked up the stone and made it to the side of the road, he saw a small rectangular basket under the stone. When he opens it, it contains two things.
These are precious gold and a written message. The message to you is this; “This gold, this is the man who lifted the stone from the road!” It is the king’s message! The farmer learned what others did not understand. He received the fruits of his labor and continued on his way. Not like that!
There is a benefit in the burden!
Many of the obstacles we run away from may be the energy for our journey forward. As for the energy thing, it is carrying, not running away. There is weakness in carrying; but that weakness, compared with the crown which our weakness furnishes us, is of itself.
Yes, there is eating in carrying; and there are many benefits in the burden. Everything has its own reward. The price we pay today will set the stage for our reward tomorrow. We look forward in our present light. It’s true! The trees we fail to plant today will become a shade tomorrow in times of fatigue. If this doesn’t exist, that doesn’t exist, don’t forget!
The obstacles overcome today will be there tomorrow!
Problems that are not solved today will remain problems. It is not only that they have something to lose for not removing the stone from the road that the men suffer. The stone they pass by is always a stumbling block to them. He is there until he picks them up; he would sit there and wait for them when they went out and when they came in.
The stone prevents them from walking, narrows the way, and can hit and hurt them. A problem that is not solved today is a problem tomorrow, or it will take on a different form. Therefore, the solution is to replace the root. Then trouble will arise, and I will suffer! So here it is!
What doesn’t hurt makes you stronger!
For the man who pushed the boulder up, his first burden would no doubt be easier.
In the future, it will be a strong training for him. It also shows how strong it is. If we take clay vessels, they must be fired before they can be used. Otherwise, they cannot hold water.
Therefore, they must be sealed with fire first. Did you see it? Burning until it doesn’t destroy is the solution. These materials are stronger if they are burned than if they are not burned. Human strength is also in different training. Thinking, trying, falling, getting up, carrying, getting tired.! So, let us keep our strength only in what can strengthen us!
Being low for a purpose brings being high!
The man who pushes the rock alone is likely to be considered crazy by others. Many may stand and laugh at him. The hearing of his ears and the sight of his eyes, however, were only on his purpose.
His vision is to remove obstacles and keep going. Although he may seem foolish to people, he is the joy of his time for his purpose. Let us, too, learn to be humble for our purpose. He who humbled himself for a cause, shall be exalted!
“If we cry like you, no one will see us. We will not find peace if we complain about the burning inside us like you. Know, the heart hides itself when it loses a man it loves. It does not want to be seen.
But she is always sick. You can be healed. You little things make you happy. Your pain and anger and your wounds heal quickly. Know, have you ever seen how lonely a man who has lost a loved one suffers from healing the wounds of his love? You don’t know; for you still think of me, who approaches you as a good friend and laughs and lives a lie, as really happy.
Siifan: no, I don’t. Not so.” His face, which I had known for a long time. We knew his attitude that had changed for me over the years.
He left me behind. In that comfortable place where we always sit, enjoying the chirping of birds, the sound of trees shaking in the wind, the silence of all nature; he left me and moved away emotionally.
I’m sorry. I always have something hiding from me. We have been good friends so far. Even though we met by chance, he took care of me, took me to a relaxing place and entertained me.
He understands me. They hide my problems. Everything that bothers me, I tell him and I get relief. But I have ever solved it. I couldn’t see the ground of his problems. Talking about love is a burden to him. I don’t want to. Another conversation, another thought brings him closer to me.
The hearts are hardened. If I call and seduce, we get a chance to reconcile and leave the past behind and go back to our usual place.
Rain: We met in the rain. I called it Rain and immediately made it his name. He walked in the rain with his neck down, forgetting himself and covering himself with a covered sock; I welcomed him with my anointing. Our relationship immediately grew stronger. Even though we were good friends, one day I investigated him about it.
To me, Rob is a perfect person. I find him to be someone we have no problem with.
We went to our usual place. Roobina. I looked him in the eye. I wanted to be gentle. Just promise me one thing today. I waited for his answer. I prayed with my eyes. “Well what is it?” Said. I don’t know anything about you yet. Please introduce yourself to me today. tell me all these things that bother you. Why do you hate love. tell me the truth. We will solve everything together.
I prayed to him. He sat up where he was lying on his back in the grass. He reached out and cut the grass in front of him. He gritted his teeth. He took his phone out of his pocket. He turned it over once and gave it to me.
Look Understand look Transmit look.
A picture of a red woman. Still the same thing. Still the same thing. Later, however, I saw a childhood photograph taken from a washed-out photograph. He looked at it again. many pictures!

You know, today I’m sick.
I came here, ‘I came out of Gadam Dabra Libanos. My stomach was out of work and could not heal. I lost nothing better while I was there. I left and came here, and got the surgery. My stomach doesn’t welcome anything it sees. I have been separated from the food that people eat for a long time.
This picture you see is my childhood friend. I carried it and raised it. We grew up together. I was a formal education teacher. I got paid there and taught her. To reach her on a human level, I was carrying shunkurti in Finland. I was happy to get into university. She became someone to me.
I was relieved to see the value of my efforts, the joy I saw from her. I entered the University of Finland and then went back to my teaching job.
I don’t want her to be inferior to a stranger in any way. We learned together, we grew up together. I competed for myself quickly and got a job. I told her I had to teach her and I put her in the University.
But do you know where she is today? She is in another man’s bowl. She has forgotten that I was created.
Because of her, I have lost my health, my family, my happiness, my love, and I am living the life you see. That’s what I mean. What does it benefit you?
He turned and looked at me with red eyes. The mind has adooded me. I was very distressed to put myself in his place. I saw desperation, masculine anger, passion in him. I felt sorry for him. I was very upset myself. What if it was me at that time? I took out where they would be a breath of fresh air. I wiped away my tears and leaned closer to his lap. I took his hand and listened to his heartbeat. I thought she was in a hurry to leave her house and move away.
I’m sorry I know what’s wrong with you, but I’ll treat you! I told myself with full confidence.
I said to him and kissed him. Then you will be alone, you will be sick alone. You will never give up. I’m in your place! You have been so corrupt to her, and I will be corrupt to you. I took a hopeful breath of relief under his forehead.
Beware of the sick who are not healed, of the injuries we have accused them of, for the heart of a man, for the love of your childhood.
Often; “a man cannot start true love after losing his first love”; I’ll hear it. I have something I have actually seen. What I have actually seen is not something I support.
Because it means that a person has lost his first love; it doesn’t mean he stopped living. The dead will not be your lover. Even if you loved another man, why did you bring another man to you? Why does she come back?
It is natural to experience temporary anxiety, anger, and many disturbing emotions. We cannot lie to ourselves to prevent it.
However, both have disappointed you in love; but if you say “they should sit with my mind tied up”:you don’t have a problem with loving yourself, you have a problem with not understanding yourself in situations.
I don’t believe that an attitude of lack of self-confidence will change a person’s life.
It is true; there are people who cannot heal from the breakdown of their first love and are separated from true love. But to return to themselves, it takes reconciliation with themselves, but they can also accommodate other loves.
To do this, they must first treat their initial psychological disturbance. For people, it is preferable to stay away from situations and blame themselves in their own chambers of thought, rather than being close to situations.
Instead of hiding their illness, they should show their innermost being to someone who shares their distress. A living person cannot live by closing the gates to his life and limiting himself. Life is not limited to one situation, one person, one place, one event, but it continues. It is moving, it is alive, it is dead.
Life, it brings people together, it separates people, it has joys and sorrows. For fatigue, she has rest. This human being is a wanderer with life. Going back and forth. But life goes on in any case.
So is love. Life gives us to one and separates us from the other. A person with an idea, understands far. If you decide his fate with someone, it is the nature of life. Even if you take his life from one and bring him another, it is the nature of life. Life for those who go, life for those who come.
To limit ourselves to what happened, however, remaining sick stems from our lack of understanding of the life we are living. It meant that we thought everything was limited to that one place and enslaved us.
For our psychology, our inability to change ourselves, and by not accepting what is happening, we are limiting ourselves to continue living.
To recover from that, we must decide to distance ourselves from the environment in every way possible.
So; Not that it’s easy, but a girl learns from there, depending on why she broke up with him or left him. When he knows why he lost his love, he convinces himself.
He understands that it is not the beginning of love, but a reason that brings them together. The reason is lost by reason.
“Does he really love someone to forget about him ?” That is: the relationship between the two should be based on knowing each other in advance. Whether she is new to love or not, she needs to be sure of her ability to understand him, to bear with him, and be able to put him back in place.
She needs to know in advance that he is hurt and angry at first love, and hesitant to start love after this. Once she has chosen all this, once she has loved it, the wisdom, the responsibility to make this person perfect is in her hands.
In the course of life, they get to know each other, get closer to each other, and get to know each other. At least, if he is hurt; he likes something from her. It’s easy when a professional woman sets out to treat a damaged heart. So is hers, too.
Even if she loses for a while and cries and is reproached, she will be healed by forgetting the first breakdown and giving and receiving love. Her insides are sorry, friend.
In my opinion, then; love is replaced by love. To forget each other, to share the world, to continue each other’s lives, the two must be separated, and the two must be joined together.
For the first time, he chooses the one he likes and becomes friends with life, despite his doubts and fears. Soon life smells them together; they rest together. They promote love.
As a problem, to get out of that thought, to bind one’s mind is the beginning of failure and despair. You are separated from life by losing your mind.
As a pillar of their love, patience plays an important role. She is; they rest on what she likes from him, and he likes from her, and redeem the other. You are the one who is going to be his, and it is even better to be able, wise, and understanding! Thanks