To live a changed life, we must first love ourselves

To live a changed life, we must first love ourselves

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.  2Qr 5/1
No one can inherit the kingdom of God unless he is born again

Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.1Pex 1/2
By returning to God, our lives have been changed and renewed.  Thanks be to God our Father forever and ever, who has made reconciliation for us through His Son Jesus Christ and opened the way for us to be born again and renewed.

Many people, however, adopt Christianity as a tradition and inheritance and live a life that is not pleasing to God.Going to church, keeping the rules of the Christian religion, being baptized, being born into a Christian family, listening to or singing hymns, etc. cannot all be both for human life.  It is necessary to live a renewed and changed life.  The Bible says from Gal 5/24 that those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.  Ephesians 1/4 says He chose us in love before the foundation of the world to be holy and without blemish before Him in Christ.

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God  we are not to view Christianity as a heritage or a tradition.

We need to be led by the Holy Spirit and prepare ourselves to live a life that pleases God.  May God help us to live a beautiful life before Him.

Living with the Opposite of Life

Suffering and hardship come unexpectedly, unwantedly, unwantedly, uninvitedly. There is a man who has not taken part in this life; whether we are hazy or not, we will experience various sufferings and diseases during our lifetime.  As Christians, when we find ourselves in such a situation, we are shocked. May our circumstances contradict what we know about God. Where is God, when this happens to me?  we ask the question. We are not the only ones who have suffered from such questions;  grace of the Lord even when we read their stories in the Bible we see them suffering from such questions.

From Psalm 22/1 it says: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?  Why are you so far from helping me, from speaking to me?

Sometimes Christians are tempted;  they suffer from seeing that the suffering of those who know God is greater than that of those who do not know God.


Christianity is being a follower of Christ;  some believers have the wrong views and desires about what it means to be his disciple.  I think that when we become followers of Christ we have suffering, we have trouble, we live happily without any illness.  But when we read the Bible, we soon learn that we Christians share in the suffering of mankind in this fallen world. We also see that God takes a dark situation and turns it into good. So in passages of the Bible we understand that suffering is part of life, and that even the saints went through a lot of suffering.

The Psalms.  34/17 When the righteous cry unto him, the LORD heareth;  and he delivereth them out of all their troubles. We have something to weigh here.  We will indeed go through trouble but we need to know that God will hear our prayers and deliver us from our suffering. When suffering finds us, we must not be in what we think is our destiny, but now that God is bringing us out of it, we must pray to Him, my God, my God, deliver me from my suffering.  He will deliver us in His own time, as He promised.

Psalm 34/19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the LORD delivereth him out of them all.  R/Isaiah. 43/2,3 When thou walkest through the waters, I will be with thee;  and when thou passest through the fire, thou shalt not be burned, neither shall the flame kindle upon thee;  I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior. John 16/33 In the world you will have tribulation, but take courage!  He says I have conquered the world.

To look at this idea in more detail, let us analyze the lives of two people in the Bible.

What do we know about Job’s life?

Flawless A man of righteousness A man who fears God He turned away from evil Had ten children Rich Rich He was the greatest of all the men who lived toward the east.

The suffering and deprivation of Job’s life:

His mules and donkeys were stolen His servants were killed His sheep were burned His camels were stolen All his children died in the storm His body was struck by wounds

What will Job’s life be like in the end?

God made him rich again He doubled his former wealth Job’s later life became more blessed than his first.  He raised ten children again and saw his grandchildren now in four generations Age qufe due

Job asked many questions during his time of trouble. God he knew that what was happening to him became a coincidence. The second person in the Bible who was troubled by the opposite of life was Joseph.

We have to deal with despair and grief

When we lose something or someone we love that is next in our lives, we are deeply saddened. For example, such grief:

When someone we love dies
When we are fired/lost of our jobs When we lose relationships, friendships, relationships with people for various reasons.

What we expect for example when we lose promotion in the workplace When we lose our property by fire, theft, looting, abandonment.
We are sad when we cannot have the child we want or when we have a child who is disabled.

What do people expect when they are grieving?

Looking for someone/people. We may avoid questions because we don’t know how to comfort someone who is grieving.  this is not good. Someone who listens to them They listen to someone without judging them. They want someone who understands their grief and shows love in the middle with them.

Grieving people may have many questions they need answers to but they expect you to answer them completely. There are many questions in our lives that cannot be answered. But our love, our saying I am with you together is great for the person in grief.

How can we cope with grief?

Tell God your grief without hiding everything you feel. This means your fears, your anger, and so on.  And if you have a loyal person, telling someone is a great redemption. Open your heart to Him because it is God who heals you.

When a person lives on earth, he convinces himself that he will experience sorrow, despair, anger, suffering, and learn that this has not happened to him.  Now grieve until your grief comes out (as mentioned above). Summary of this tutorial:

We have looked at the effects of grief in suffering. When we are Christians, we have a wrong view of life, suffering, and trouble. But what we need to know is that our future life is not realistic, and past suffering and hardship will not escape us in this world we are in now. If we have this understanding, we are well prepared to live life.

Stress, suffering and trials are part of life. 

Even if we are Christians, we cannot be out of these jails while we are still on earth. But God is faithful and gracious to help us in our suffering, and to bring something good out of our suffering. Jesus was tempted in everything except sin, not to mention death. That is why we nuerge the Holy Spirit of comfort from Heaven who is the children of God. 

The purpose of this lesson is to show you how to live a victorious life despite the suffering and trials that are the Opposite of Life.  If our grief is overwhelming, if it remains hidden inside us, it will begin to manifest itself in other forms in our lives.  For example, impatience, irritable bowel syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, and so on. Our wounds are still deep and we have to search inside and find treatment until we are healed.


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