Lets destroy the eternal fire

Lets Destroy the Eternal Fire (Way Out to the Kingdom God)

It is always the foolishness of mankind that prevents him from overcoming adversity and living a life of prosperity.  Just as he has lost the heart to overcome adversity, he does not seem to have the heart to live a luxurious life.

Bearing suffering has definitely always been a very important thing for humanity.  I don’t want to ever be free of trouble.  The greatest problem of mankind is the ignorance of his desires.

Our lack of knowledge of what we want is leading us to a confusion from which we can never get out.  We always wanted our way in and out to be easy.  We don’t want to be hit by obstacles.

One of the simplest things we can do is to be able to believe.  By trusting we can at least taste a sense of security.

Because we believe that we are under God’s protection, we know that we can bear any problem in the name of God.  God has given us the comfort to bear all this suffering.

This is the good news we have.  God wants nothing from us but praise.  We don’t realize that this is the beautiful word that all the churches put on their doors to deceive us.

Standing outside, the logo of every religion is full of divine love.  The inside of all the churches, however, is full of morning flames burning here and there.

It is up to the father to choose one of the two.  We have been given a choice.  If you follow God, you will live forever.  If you refuse, you will die.  There is no other option.  We have been trying this way for two thousand years.  I have yet to figure out if there is another way.

We think it may be a lack of information.  According to this information, there is no devil or god we know.

It’s been more than 120 years since Niche brought this news.  So far, however, we have not heard this information.  It doesn’t matter if we don’t hear it.  This information is now true and it is doing its job underground so it will not be a problem whether we hear it or not.

There is no one in the world we live in who cares about you, who takes care of you like his father , and who punishes you if you do wrong.  There is no fire where we will be thrown forever, nor is there a paradise where we will burst forever.  There is no devil or god.

But we who know God understand that such information is crazy false.  Even so, we don’t want to lose God or Satan.  We need aeexanni to pass on our evil.

We need at least Satan to hold us accountable for all our sins.  For God to exist, Satan must exist.  Which will not be difficult to understand.

For those who choose the niche path, we have our own path.   Everything we have been doing so far must be true.  He must live in Paradise.  There must be eternal fire as promised.

But we all want to go to heaven, not hell.  Since we all don’t want the fire, we don’t know why it bothers us.  I want to enter the House of God.  And so do you.  That’s how we all are.

Since this is the case, why not put out the fire.  In fact, it is not easy to put out the fire.  We may not be able to remove the evil inside us with a single shower of love.

But over time, if we can minimize our evil, the fire will quickly lose its strength.  All the souls we have thrown into the fire so far demonstrate the power of our evil.  But now if we choose this path, we can destroy this flame that is about to devour us all. I am not telling you to choose this path.  I mean, at least keep in mind that there is a world in which there is only God, a world without hell but heaven.

This way is a free way.  No one is thrown into the fire for his own sins.  All his faults are lack of understanding So we only wake him up from his stupid sleep.

And he goes back to his roots.  We will all fold in peace to the Heart of heaven.  We fold into the womb of freedom.  We learn with God everything that is now a mystery to us.

In the beginning there was only sound.  We Sound Lovers started the story like this.  No one has ever asked where we learned to be thankful. Once mankind created the language of agreement, it could not remain silent.  He couldn’t control his tongue.  He never hesitated to take advantage of any opportunity to satisfy his thirst for news.

The sound that started from within broke the complete silence of freedom and became a disturbance to us.  The whole silence of heaven is polluted with human rumors.

God never said anything.

No word has yet been heard from the tongue of heaven.  But mankind could not give rest to himself , nor to his Creator God.  He wants to talk to God and get along.

He tries to read God in the morning and evening in order to soak up the innermost news.  He is making a constant effort to bake news with God.  We know at least when this practice began.

Adam and Eve spoke to God and agreed.  Abraham spoke with God.  Moses heard the voice of God and listened.  We believe he has proved the same.

The children of forbiddenness know neither confession nor listening but faith.  If they tell us that I have come to speak to God, we will say yes, and if they tell us to kneel, we will kneel and remain on our knees.

We don’t realize that all this is because we don’t know that God has nothing to do with us.  God has no covenant with us.

God is not the word of our tongue.  It is not the sound of our mangaga.  God is the complete silence of freedom.  The whole of Walaabuu never made any sound.

He never uttered a word.

God is in the silence of the sword.  God does not need any words because He has no covenant with anyone that He makes or has ever made.

He doesn’t have to gossip with anyone.  A word or sound conveys a message that is a sentence for the whole of human understanding.

But God does not need any words because He has no news to tell anyone else.  But we cannot remain silent at all, so we are touching and raising all the creatures in silence.

We want to catch all creatures, including God, with news and cut our breath.  We are trying to teach the words of our tongues because we want animals who do not understand our words to speak with us.

We are teaching the dog to hear our words and put them into practice.  We are also training other pets to recognize our voices.

We do not know why we are doing all this.  But we know where the story began.

In the beginning, we started out saying that there was only sound.

Following the story, we have caught up with all the creatures.

We are restless ourselves and depriving the creatures of rest.  But he never said anything to God.

We are very sorry that you who are trying to teach us that it is the voice of the Word of God are the source of news.  Those of you who are deceiving us by saying that the Word of God says this or that God has spoken, we are very sorry that you cannot understand your own stupidity. If you say God has spoken to me, you will never care about language.  But if we tell you that God has never spoken at all, your heart knows this truth and you will continue to invent another lie to deceive your followers in order to thirst for the truth.

But don’t expect this situation to continue like this.

Know that this is a time when human wisdom is growing and developing more than ever.  When the gap in our understanding narrows, prepare yourselves wisely so that you do not suffer from losing your way out.

Build yourselves up with knowledge and wisdom, not with false prophecies and miracles.  We must know that our freedom can only be secured through knowledge and wisdom.  We need to convince ourselves to stay bright rather than prophesy.


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