How to Pray to the Holy Spirit
How to Pray to the Holy Spirit
Matt 6/9 The Lord’s Prayer was given twice, first to the people who heard the Sermon on the Mount, and a few months later, just to the disciples. The disciples who had been with the Lord for a while came and saw Him talking to the Father. He continued to pray as if he did not know that they were with him. A light appeared from His face. He was with the invisible One, and the words that came out of His mouth were so powerful that it seemed like He was talking to God.
The hearts of the listening disciples melted. They were convinced that He often met His Father. He was very tired because He had spent many days teaching the people who surrounded Him and oppressed Him. Even His brothers and mother thought He was going to die because of this. However, when He closed the weary day with prayer and returned, they saw great peace in His countenance, and perceived that He had come refreshed. He spends hours with God every morning to bring light from heaven to people. The disciples began to associate the power of His word with the power of prayer. When they heard Him pray for them, their hearts began to humble themselves. When He finished His prayer, a great desire within them compelled them to say, “Lord, teach us how to pray.” Luke 11/1 Jesus did not give them a new Prayer. He repeated the same things he had taught them before.
By saying this, He seems to be saying that you should have understood what I gave you. It contains a deeper meaning that you have not yet understood. However, Jesus did not limit us to these words. He gave them a prayerful comment. That prayer is one that even children can practice and say. However, its implications cannot be explored even by the minds of adults.
We learned that we should come to God in thanksgiving, and He taught us to confess our needs to Him, to ask for mercy as He promised.
Say, Our Father
Jesus taught us to call His Father our Father. He was not ashamed to call us his brothers. Heb 2/11 He is eager to welcome us into God’s family, so He assures us of our relationship with the divine with the first words, “Our Father.”
The great truth proclaimed is exciting and encouraging. That is, God loves us as He loves His Son. In His prayer for His disciples, Jesus said, “Love them as you have loved me.” John 17/2
In a world run by Satan in wickedness and cruelty, the Son of God succeeded in bringing many people back to the throne of God by surrounding them with love. When this victory was achieved, all the unfallen angels, including the cherubim, sang praises to God and the Lamb. He rejoiced that the door of salvation had been opened to fallen men and that the world had been redeemed from the curse brought about by sin. And how much more happy are those who have received this great love!
How is it that we think of ourselves as fatherless and are filled with doubt?
Jesus took on humanity to take the place of transgressors; He became like us so that we might have eternal peace and security. We have an advocate in heaven, and everyone who believes in Him as their personal Savior is not left as a fatherless man to bear the burden of his own sin.
Say, Our Father.
Beloved, now are we the sons of God.
The apostle Paul says
“And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and heirs of God; If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” Romans 8/1
Again in 1 John 3/2, “It is not yet clear what we shall be after this. However, we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is.” he says.
The first step in drawing close to God is to know and believe in His love for us. 1 John 4/16 says, “And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him. We come to Him because we are drawn by His love. The love of God destroys self-love. By calling God our Father, we affirm that all of His children are our brothers and sisters. When we are one of many nations, we are members of one family.
We must include ourselves and our neighbors in our prayers. It is not right for a person to pray for blessings only for himself.
He said that the eternal God has given you the opportunity to approach Him as Father. Understand all that this implies. Now that God has been patient with transgressors, no family on earth has ever been patient with their son who has sinned. No one among men has ever prayed so much to show love to an unrepentant sinner. God dwells in every house; he hears every word spoken, listens to every prayer offered, inspects every sorrow and despair of every soul, and mentions the treatment of father, mother, sister, brother, neighbor. He cares for our needs, and His love, mercy, and warmth constantly flow to meet our needs.
When you call God our Father, you affirm that you are His children, knowing that His love is unchanging, and you are allowing yourself to be led by His wisdom, to obey Him in all things. You will accept His plan for your life. As children of God, you will eagerly bear all of His honor, character, family, work. You will enjoy spending time with God your Father and any family member. If it still requires humility, you will be happy to do whatever it takes to honor God and do good.
“Our God is in the heavens: he doeth whatsoever pleaseth him.” In His protection we can rest on Him by saying, “When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You.” Ps 115/3
May your name be sanctified.
Matt. 6/9We use the words hallowed be your name only for God. “Holy is His name.” Far. 111/9 We must not degrade His Holiness in any way. Through prayer we enter the highest place; therefore we must approach Him in holiness. The angels cover their faces before Him. The bright cherubim approach Him in awe. How much more should we, sinners and weaknesses, approach our Creator with fear!
Sanctifying God’s name has even greater meaning. Perhaps, like the Jews in Jesus’ day, we may show our fear of Him in appearance but continue to deny Him in action. “His name is the living God.” “I am gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness; I will forgive iniquity and transgression and sin.” Exodus 34/5,7 Of Christ’s church it is written, “Thus shall she call upon His name, ‘The God of our righteousness.’” Jer. 33/1 This name is applied to all of Christ’s followers. Family is called after the Father.
The prophet Jeremiah, in the midst of great distress and trial, prayed, “Forsake us not, for we are called by thy name.” Correct 14/9
This name will be sanctified by the angels of heaven and the inhabitants of the unfallen world. When you pray, you say, “Hallowed be thy name,” both on earth and in heaven.
God has called you his children in the presence of men and angels; show respect for the name when you pray, “the beautiful name by which you are called” James 2/7 God sent you to earth as a representative. Show the name of God in everything you do. This prayer asks you to have His character. If you cannot represent Him in your life and behavior then you cannot sanctify His name or represent Him in the world. You can do this only by accepting the grace and righteousness of Christ.
Let your kingdom come.
Matt. 6/10 God is our Father, who loves and cares for us as His children; He is the King of heaven and earth. The will of His kingdom is our will, and we must build and work for it.
His disciples expected the kingdom of glory to be established immediately. But by teaching them this prayer, He taught them that His kingdom would not be established on earth at that time. They should pray for Him to come in the future. And this prayer is a guarantee for them. Even if it does not come at the time they expect, His kingdom is a guarantee that He will come at God’s appointed time. The kingdom of God is now being established, and day by day many sinful and rebellious hearts are being drawn to the love of God.

His kingdom will not be completely based on this earth until Jesus comes again. “And the kingdom and the greatness of the kingdoms under the whole heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High.” Law 7/2 They will inherit the kingdom prepared for them, “prepared from the foundation of the world.” Matt. 25/34 And Christ will triumph over them with great authority. The gates of heaven will open when thousands of saints and our Savior come as King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
God, “He shall be king over all the earth: and there shall be one God, and one name.” “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people. God Himself will dwell with them. And he will be their God.” Zech 14/9 Rev 21/3
But before that comes, said Jesus, “this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.” Matt. 24/14 Now He will not come until this gospel of grace reaches the whole world. Therefore, when we give ourselves to God and capture souls for Him, we hasten the coming of His Kingdom.
Only those who are truly committed can open the blind, “to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the authority of Satan to God; that they may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in me” (Acts 26/18), to turn them to God, “Here am I, send me” (Isa. 6/8). They are the only ones who sincerely pray, “Thy kingdom come”.
Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven
Matthew 6/10 God’s will was revealed in His holy law. The guidance of this law is divine guidance. The angels in heaven have the greatest knowledge of God’s will, and the greatest service in which they expend their energies is to accomplish this will.
The service in heaven, however, is not in the spirit of law-abiding. It was when Satan rebelled against God’s law that the law came to the minds of the apostles. In their ministry, angels act not as slaves but as Sons of God. There is a convincing unity between them and their Creator.
Obedience is not considered work for them. God’s love makes their ministry joyful. Therefore, in every soul that dwells in Jesus, the hope of glory dwells, and His words are repeated, “To do thy will, O my God, is my delight, and thy law is within my heart.” Far 40/8
The prayer, “Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven,” is for the kingdom of Satan to be removed from this earth, for sin to be removed from the earth forever, and for the Kingdom of righteousness to be established on earth. Then, as in heaven, “For this cause we also pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power.” 2 Thessalonians 1/1
Give us today the bread we need tomorrow.
Matthew 6/11 The first half of the prayer Jesus taught is about God’s name, Kingdom, and will. His name be sanctified, His kingdom come, His will done. Once you put God’s service first, you can boldly ask for your needs.
If you deny yourself and give yourself to Christ, you are a member of God’s family, and everything in your Father’s house belongs to you. God’s treasures will be opened to you in the world you are in now and in the world to come. The ministry of angels, the gift of the Holy Spirit, the ministry of His servants are all done for you. Now that He has been kind to you, everything in the world will be yours. Even the hostility of sinners will be a blessing to you by guiding you to heaven. “And if thou belong to Christ, all things are thine 1 Cor 3/23 and,2 But for now you are like a child whose inheritance has not reached you. There is no God in your hands lest he deceive you and take your precious possessions away from you as he deceived Adam and Eve.
Christ is waiting for you where Satan cannot defile you. As a child, you are given what you need every day. Every day you should pray “give me this day my daily bread”. If you don’t have enough for tomorrow, you don’t have to worry.
You have the guarantee of the hope, in Psalm 37/3 “Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land in peace,
and keep faithfulness!” says David in his psalm. He adds again in Psalm 37/5, “I have seen youth, and now am old; but I have never seen anyone righteous abandoned, nor his offspring looking for bread.” The God who fed Elijah through Qurru does not pass by His faithful and self-sacrificing children.
To him that walketh uprightly it is written, Such as he shall dwell in high places; he shall make the shelter of strong rock his refuge; there his bread shall be given him, and his waters shall be sure.” Isa 33/1
Food will be given to him; he says the availability of water is convincing. David adds in Psalm 37/19 that “they shall not be ashamed in the evil time: and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied.
The apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8/32, “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” he says.
He eased the burden and worries of the poor mother in Nazareth and helped her have something to give to her children, and today He doesn’t ignore mothers who are struggling with nothing to feed their children. He felt compassion for the crowds who were “snatched and abandoned” (Matt. 9/36), and He still feels compassion for the poor in need. His hand will be stretched out toward them with a blessing; and in that prayer he teaches us to remember the poor.