Be a good person and hold on to Love
Is It a Sin to Take an Oath in Court?
But I say unto you, Swear not at all; neither by heaven” for he is the throne of God.” Matthew 5/34.In our country, people believe in swearing from the Federal to the family to distinguish truth from falsehood available.
The Lord Jesus was speaking of people who had a form of faith who called upon the name of God and swore by it, not only swearing but swearing but not applying the truth. These guys claim to be God’s people, but they don’t trust each other and have faith in each other. The purpose for which the Lord came was for the nation to love, trust, hold a pure heart and create a pure heart.
If we read Acts 2/41,47 we see that the Holy Spirit created in Christ nations gathered together in one heart and one mind. The Apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 13/7: Love never fails, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. In addition, people who have the Lord swear to each other by calling on the name of God to convince each other.
Most of the societies we live in are known to swear on things that shouldn’t happen. But the Lord said, Do not swear! he said, ‘It’s not. The Lord Jesus was teaching a lot in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5/ 7 to a large crowd of Jews. These men lived according to the law of Moses; but by using the law they were harming each other and God.
For example, as recorded in Matthew 5/33, the Lord brought a passage from the Old Testament to the minds of these men, saying, “You shall not swear falsely, but you shall pay to the Lord your oaths. Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not kill; This passage reflects the context of Leviticus 19/12; the passage says: “I am your God; and ye shall not swear by my name falsely, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God. From this last part of verse 11 it says: “You shall not steal! Don’t Lie! And don’t cheat each other! After saying this, he says the same thing we read above in verse
The nation to which the Lord is speaking is the Jewish nation.
Our father is Abraham who says. But the Lord who examined the hearts of men saw that these men were lying and deceiving in their speech, that their actions were fraudulent. But we see that they swear by their lies and deceptions in the name of God.
In our country, people want to find the truth by swearing in the name of God to convince their colleagues in the marketplace, at work, at work, or in business.
May God do this to me: do not give me bread, do not keep me alive… do this to me.” They swear by the name of God, the angels and their families. But what they say is often based on love and animal love, so their words are either false, or half true, and half false.
When the Messiah, Christ, comes, His followers will believe in each other in the community He will establish and build; and the words that came out of their mouths commanded them to stand on yes and no.
When we interpret a Bible verse, we must look not only at the part we interpret but at the whole Book and what is said in the whole Bible: the New Testament and the Old Testament.
For example, Matthew 5/27,30 speaks of adultery.
When Jesus speaks in this passage, the man who looks at a woman with lustful eyes has committed adultery with her in his heart. Matt. He continued on 5/29, If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you; for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell. It means that Christians on earth today may end up blind.
But this passage is the Lord’s revelation that emphasizes that you shall not commit adultery with your eyes. The people who were listening to him at that time seemed to understand the Lord. It may also be a way of talking in Jewish culture. So we have to be very careful when we give interpretations. Regarding oaths, we see the apostle Paul swearing by God: From 2 Corinthians 1/23 it says: But God knoweth that I came not to Corinth to spare you; and may God bear witness against me. And in Galatians 1/20 Paul says: Now the things which I write unto you, behold, I lie not, but am the truth of God.
Concerning oaths Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 1/10 , For adulterers, fornicators, for kidnappers, for liars, for perjurers, and for those who, if any, oppose sound doctrine.
James speaks of the tongue in the fifth chapter of his letter in verse 12: “And do not swear much; O my brethren; neither by heaven, nor by the earth, nor by any other oath; Let your word Yes mean Yes, so that you do not fall under judgment; and let what you say Wow be wow.
To what kind of people did James write?
He wrote this to advise those who suffer from tongue trouble who cannot discipline their tongue. They worship God with their own tongues, and they curse each other with the same tongues.
According to James 4, these men now hate each other to death, are jealous of one another, and their prayers are motivated by evil thoughts. We see that they are caught up in the love of the world. From James 4/11 we see that these believers were hostile to each other.
That this people should profane the name of God by calling it too much; Because of their lack of trust in each other, we see that they swear by the name of God in their daily speech, in business, at work, which is not good behavior among God’s children. When Paul wrote to the believers in Ephesus, he said:
Therefore every man put forth a lie out of himself; let him speak the truth to man! We are the result of each other’s bodies. Ephesians 4/2
Christians who are known to be children of God are like those of the world if they do not trust each other. If it is to call upon the name of God to trust each other, this society is not a holy society. Moreover, they don’t seem to realize that they are the result of each other’s flesh.
All this word adds to the fact that swearing is a sin so that there may be a trust among the brethren built on the Truth; he commands them to destroy deception in the name of God so that lies will be destroyed. Because as James said, if we call on God’s name too much and do what is wrong, God will judge us. [James 5/1
The Lord says in Matthew 12/36 But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment. You will not be judged by all your words; for by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Why is it forbidden to swear by God?
There is a passage in the Bible that shows us that before we gave this answer, we were swearing to God. We read it as follows. Hebrews 7/20 22 says
only the priests in the church can use it.
These priests seal their letters only when they write about church matters, not their own. This means that this letter has the authority of the church. Christians do not use the seal of the church in their letters to each other, in their business dealings with each other. They sign with their own hands. God has permission to sign His works in His name; and its employees are licensed.

Now that we have talked about the oath, we come to the administration of the country.
When we appear in court, the court officials force us to swear. At this time they want us to hold the Bible and swear in the name of God, to testify that our truth is true. We see that this is a problem for many Christians. Before we interpret this one, let us look at what Paul said in the Word of God about government and rulers in Rom 13/1,7
Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers.
It is impossible to have authority without the will of God; and those who are in authority are placed by God.
4 For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if you do evil, be afraid of them. Those who rule the country, uphold the constitution and laws of the government are willingly obedient to God in the service of the government whether they know it or not. It means they are responsible for punishing evil and crime.
People are caught and brought to justice when they commit crimes against people, against the country, against the office. Those who testify against him come forward and testify before the judge. This is not an easy situation. To testify , to judge with justice, to punish the offender, to judge the guilty. Some people can falsely accuse and kill. We do not know that people will testify falsely against Jesus Christ.
Today there are many people who have been arrested and killed by false witnesses. There are those who lie and escape punishment, and those who deserve to be arrested remain unpunished. A person is trusted to tell the truth or not by the fear of God or by his faith. In religion, people believe in a great power, and this power For example, Christians call God, Muslims fear Allah.
Moreover, if they swear in the name of God, they are afraid that God or Allah will judge them even if they lie, so the courts use the oath ceremony according to the person’s religion.
Based on all the above statements, we believe that the government is the servant of God and that if we are asked to swear in the name of God in court, we cannot swear if we are truthful. But if we swear falsely in the name of God standing in court; we will not dishonor the name of God, and even if the government punishes us, God will punish us.
Finally, we would like to remind you that Christians have different views on oaths.
Let me give you an example. When they appear in court in Australia, whether they are guilty or a witness, they take an oath Our oath is that if we are Christians we swear by the Bible, if we are Muslims we swear by the Qur’an. There are those who have no faith, and they swear in the name of the government. Christians who view swearing as a taboo are not forced by the government. They are also brought to justice by verbally declaring that their truth is the whole truth.
There may be those who refuse to accept our answers; if this is not possible, he will present the matter to the rulers and the courts and try to appeal through the church.
For my part, I believe that if you swear in the name of God in court, you will be breaking God’s commandments in general. This ends with this. Download and use it if you want! See you in another lesson.