Can women be leaders?

Can women be leaders?

What is the role of women in leadership in the Bible?

When we make a decision on an idea, we should base our decision on the Bible.  When we say this, we must accept what the Bible says as a whole, not focus on one or two parts of it.

What was God’s original purpose for woman?  Both man and woman are created in the image and likeness of God S.Gen.1/26,28) But one God appears in three forms: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  The other three live in equal agreement.  Similarly, the purpose before God was for man and woman to be successful and to conquer God’s creation.  Both participated equally in this leadership.

1) What happened to women after the fall?
Both Adam and Eve became sinners because they broke God’s commandments.  This sin damaged the harmony and unity that once existed between man and woman.  The fall brought about differences and dominance, which instead of being successful, one was born superior and the other inferior.  After the fall, man was made head of woman S.Gen.  3/16,19 Male society was not God’s original idea;  but it was brought about by failure.  When God created them, He created them both in His image and likeness.

2) Women in the Old Testament and Jewish culture:

In Old Testament times, women’s main job was to be wives and mothers and raise children.  Among the Jews, the family was considered the foundation of society and this role of women was respected.  However, this was not the only role of women in those days.  We see in the Old Testament that women called to the ministry of prophecy, sitting on judgment seats, and leading the nation were anointed and raised by the Holy Spirit.  For example Miriam (S.Exodus 15/20) Deborah (A Judges 4/4), (2 Kings 22/14,20) and Esther (Book of Esther)

3)Jesus and the women:

Jesus was born in a society that treated women better than men;  but he gave great importance to women in his ministry and in doing so he fulfilled the will of his Father.  He served men and women equally.  It has opened the way for women to participate in the work of God’s Kingdom and serve with their gifts just like men.

Jesus spoke to women about the Kingdom of God without hindrance (John 4) and healed them of their diseases;  and he had added them to his disciples.  (Luke 8/1,3) He did not teach in the women’s homes (Mary and Martha);  the times when he rose from the dead were women who saw him first (Matt 27/55,56) and how he proclaimed his resurrection to men were women (Matt 28/1,8,11)

4) The women of her early church (in the New Testament

On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit came down upon the women and men (Acts 2) so that they could all minister to one another to bear witness to Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

The male priesthood was not excluded;  the priesthood is no longer for one person, one gender, one nation, one tribe, one family, but for all who receive the Holy Spirit.  In this new creation (the Church of Christ) there is no distinction between male and female, slave and master, Greek and Jew.  (Galatians 3/26,28) The gift of the Holy Spirit is not only given to men but also to women (1 Cor 12,14 Romans 12/ 1 Peter 4) We understand that Paul was surrounded by women in his ministry.  In his letter he gives great thanks and respect to the women who are armed with him in the work of the gospel.  These women are the ones who even have a role in the ministry of the leader (Philippians 4/1,3 Romans 16Titus 2/3,5)

5) The role of women in the history of the Christian Church:
History shows that the role of women in the church continued for two centuries after Christ’s resurrection.  In some of his writings, a former church elder named Turtullian mentions that there are groups of women who serve as deacons, young women ministers, widows, and elders.  Various demonstrations were also seen as women gave the Lord’s Supper and blessed the believers. But Turtulia says that women are weak, fallen, and an obstacle to the spiritual life of men.  As the local church in Israel spread from Jewish culture to the Gentiles, it was adopted by the Greeks.

According to the Greeks, a woman should be humble.  So the pagan churches excluded women from church services altogether.  Furthermore, an understanding arose in the church that a person who thought of serving God in a special way should not marry and should enter a place called GADAAM and marriage of priests was forbidden.
This suggests that women are an obstacle to spiritual work.

They had unity in the way of salvation but they were inferior to his identity.  Such an attitude has been found to weaken the church;  moreover, it was not in harmony with the whole mind of God.  During the Reformation (15th century), women began to participate in church ministry and missionary work.

6) On what basis is it said that women do not participate in leadership?  Is it not commanded for a woman to keep silence in the church? [1 Cor 14/33,35 1 Tim 2/8,1

Women should not speak in the church meetings.  It is not for them to speak;  let them be obedient, as the law says.  And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.

But every woman praying or prophesying with her head uncovered dishonors her head;  she is no better than a woman with her head 1 Cor 11/5
When we compare these two parts of the Bible, they seem to contradict each other.  I have the idea that a woman should never speak somewhere;  and in another place it says that women pray and prophesy.

We must be careful when interpreting such a passage.  We cannot take a number and make it a DOCTRINE.  We need to ask ourselves the following questions:
1) What is God’s thought throughout the Old and New Testaments?
2) Does this passage contradict or agree with the rest of the Bible?
3) What is written before and after this section?
4) Who wrote it?
5) Where did he write it?
6) What was the culture of that time like?
7) Why did he write?
  Let us first try to tell you about Corinth and Ephesus.  This prohibition on speaking about women was given to the faithful of the churches in this country.  We need to understand the history of these two cities:

Located in Greece, the city of Corinth is a bustling commercial center.  The city had about 250,000 free people and 400,000 slaves.

There was a religion of the idol AFRIDOS in this city.  They build a great synagogue in her name and worship in it.  There are more than 1,000 prostitutes who serve in their synagogue.  The people who worshiped Aphrodite worshiped her by sleeping with these prostitutes.  So, the MORAL of the city had fallen.

There have been many women who have believed in the Lord in this life of prostitution.

When they came to the church, the believers continued to be unclean as they had been in their old lives.  Moreover, the women began to dress as they pleased.  According to the time, women brought the same women they had learned in the temple of APHRODISE and shouted and disordered the temple of God.  Some problems caused a lot of trouble and great complications in this church.  Women know what it means to be in subjection to their husbands according to God’s Word.

According to the custom of the times, a prostitute was known for not covering her head;  therefore Paul commands those who believe in the Lord to wear a head covering.  In those days, a married woman showed that she had a husband by covering her head.  Just as in this age, a bride announces that she is married or divorced by putting gold on her finger.  His idea is that when a man sees her, he looks at her fingers and recognizes her as a married and sexual woman. She seems to be up for something else because they think of those who don’t cover their heads as prostitutes.  This was important to the Corinthian church.  Paul tried to get this problem under control by showing them how God created man and woman based on the teachings of the Bible.  Therefore, in 1 Cor 14/33 a woman should not speak in the church which says not to cause disorder, the characteristic of the synagogue

He meant that it is not right to disrupt worship time by shouting that you want to learn in Aphrodisias, not that women should stop praying and prophesying.

In Ephesus they add to the worship of the Roman idol DIANA.  Likewise, many of her followers are women.

Their character and walk do not live according to the Word of God.

Furthermore, we can see that false teaching was spreading in the church in Ephesus, and many of the followers of the false teaching were women (Acts 20 1 Tim 1/4,7 20/3/11,5/13 6/3,5 2 Tim 2/1  3/6,7) If we interpret this passage as it is, the teachings about women in the Bible are taught in another passage  together it means be the opposite of us.  (Romans 16/1 Cor 11/4,5) So the above passages do not prevent/prohibit women from performing ministry and leadership duties.  But we also respect brothers who believe in this way.

↪️ Should women not be in subjection to their husbands (1 Cor 11/1,6 Eph 5/22,25 1 Tim 2/8,15) In marriage it is true that the husband is the head of the wife  the husband has no right to subjugate;

The fact that the husband (man) is the head of his wife (woman) does not mean that every man is the head of the woman.  This does not mean that this should happen in the church, in society.  We find it written in the Bible that only men should be the leaders of the church.

7) Why didn’t the Lord Jesus include a woman/women when He chose the ten apostles?

Jesus did not include Gentiles in choosing the twelve;  they are all Jews.  If we think like this, we mean that only Jews should be church leaders.  In the culture in which Jesus ministered, only male Jews were to be chosen for discipleship;  women and foreigners are not elected.

However, many women who were disciples walked and ministered with the Lord Jesus;  besides he ministered to the Gentiles, and I criticized him for doing so.
We don’t see an elderly woman written about in the New Testament how do we choose an elderly woman in the church?  (1 Tim 3/1,7 Titus 1/5,9) We need to look at the Bible from two perspectives.

↪️ The first is that we should only do what the Bible says and commands.  If we follow this idea, for example, when we sing a hymn, we cannot use the PIANO/SYNTHESISER because it leads us to the fact that it is written in the Bible.  Those who believe this say where is the passage in the Bible that says an old woman should steal.

For example, there is a difference in the New Testament regarding the administration/leader of the church: there were elders in the church in Jerusalem and their leader was James;  in the Philippian church he says elders and deacons but does not name the leader of the elders;  and in the church at Corinth he makes no mention of the names of the elders and deacons;  Paul quotes the names of the elders in 1 Timothy 3/1,7 but we see that these elders were married and had more than one child.  If we take for example 1 Timothy 3/1,7 as it is written: people who are not married, or have only one child, or marry and have no children cannot be elderly.  If we make decisions based on this, then neither Jesus nor Paul can be church leaders.

↪️The second view is that we are free to do so if our judgment does not conflict with the Bible as a whole.

We don’t really see a woman serving as an elder in the New Testament, but it is the idea that if a woman is an elder of the church, it is possible to do so if there is nothing wrong with it.  On the other hand, we do not find it written in the Bible that a woman cannot be an old woman.  And we don’t read what isn’t written.


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